Tolle De Terra
In latin it translates to ‘take the ground’.
It means in other words: to claim it.
It is a deliberate strategy.
Not Encouraged
It is not a strategy that by and large society encourages.
In fact, in some cultures it could be seen as rude or even “wrong” to lead. That may be a job for “others”, “elites” or “elders”.
We don’t like it when people go out ahead of the group and stake a claim on something.
The cycle has gone the same way throughout history.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you. Then, after all their efforts at rubbishing your claims have failed, they claim it for themselves, with statements like “this is nothing new” or “thats what we’ve been saying all along”.
In the last decade we have seen this with Tesla. Tesla was frequently belittled by The Wall Street Journal and all car makers as “wrong”, “madness” or “impossible” – and now is on the other side of the cycle – with the same chorus saying Tesla is now at risk because companies like Nissan are now producing at-scale electric cars.
Ghandi a half-century ago lived through this same cycle.
It’s Not Just Big Things
Now, it doesn’t mean your claims have to be as big as Musk or Mahatna to operate by the strategy of: Tolle De Terra.
Many of us will have ideas but then get too scared to take the first step and ‘grab the land’.
Fewer of us still have the courage to go through that ugly cycle of ridicule.
But, if you do. Then, great things are possible.
A Personal Example
In 2012, the government announced its first consultation with business, regulators and investors with regards to equity crowdfunding.
Not being a lawyer, accountant or a policy wonk. There was no obvious place for a concerned entrepreneur.
So true to the maxim of Tolle De Terra.
A website, LinkedIn group and a GDrive was setup and then all the people that we found out were planning on making a submission we invited to join and share what they wanted to share and ask for help where they needed help.
Crowd Sourced Equity Funding Australia was created in 2012 with little more than $100 of investment.
In 2015, it merged with another group to form the peak industry body for the multi-billion dollar crowdfunding industry.
As a Director of the peak body – who wasn’t a lawyer or millionaire trying to create the next ASX – there was plenty of room for ridicule.
In the end, working towards the betterment of the whole industry has resulted in a high quality network, established credibility and new opportunities.
All it took was having the bravery to take the ground.
Tolle De Terra
If you are about to take new ground and want some confidence get in touch.
If you have taken some ground are facing deafening silence get in touch if you want an ear to listen to.
If you are in the midst of ridicule and derision. Come talk with us about your sanity.
If you are standing on the ground you’ve staked and now want some help developing it into all it could be then please get in touch