Call out for better-than-usual event speakers
If you – or someone you know – is a great speaker on “Common Wealth” topics then please get them to nominate.
Note: Tickets available soon
Common Wealth is an event centred around the growing interest in giving “stakeholders an actual stake”.
As enterprises provide equity to stakeholders, be they employees, customers, suppliers, neighbours, the “crowd” or Members – with that equity comes new opportunities, investment instruments, legislation and risks.
This topic is alive with potential. Here are some examples
- Shared Ownership: The rising interest in Neo Mutuals, Platform Co-ops and local Co-operatives
- Investors: Innovating in order to invest in organisations that empower stakeholders.
- Political agenda: The Labour Party in the UK would legislate min 10% employee ownership, for companies employing 250 or more. In the US the “Green New Deal” is similar.
- Exit mechanism: Founders and Angels using a “3rd option” using “community buy-outs” as an alternative exit to trade sales or IPO’s.
When: Thursday – 27/2/2020.
Where: UTS Business School, Dr Chau Chak Wing Building
Payment: Not as such. However Speakers that fly or travel to the event and need reimbursement will be reimbursed up to $400 max on expenses. (receipts required and reimbursement post event).
Giving stakeholders an actual stake impacts day-to-day operations, governance, local economic development and changes the process for investors.
The Common Wealth event will highlight “what to invest in?”, “what investment instruments work?” and “How to price fair returns” for organisations where stakeholders have an actual stake.
Expert speakers will share case studies in a TEDx style short talk.
You’ll learn about the various issues at each stage of initial capital raising, growth funding, large capital funding and community-led buy-outs?
Panellists will survey the political and legal risks emerging alongside this sector.
Who might be interested in this event:
- Investors / Advisors
- Customers / Users
- Suppliers / Providers
- Employees
- Locals / Neighbours / Rate Payers
- Members of Co-operative / Enterprise Coalitions / Mutuals
- Academics and Policy Makers
Socialising may occur post-event.
Speaker Brief:
- This is not a 1-hr talk crammed into 20 mins
- This is 5-8 slides
- Conversational (you don’t need to be sales-y)
- Tell at least 1 personal story or experience you felt. Not just the facts.
- Include your next step (if you have one) for the audience.
Recording and Release:
Plans include video, radio and graphic recording of your talk. You will have access to these for organisation promotion.
There will also be a post talk interview with an in-house journalist. You will have access to this for organisation promotion.
If your nomination if successful will need to agree to a media release.
You will also consent to allowing Common Wealth and our Sponsors like UTS and Ethical Fields your recorded content for their publications (this should help your organisations promotion)
- Nominate a Speaker for Day 1.
- Nominations not a guarantee to speak.
- Self nominations are encouraged